The first poet I ever heard was Dr. Seuss. Here's a dose of rhythm, rhyme, and crazy characters in the name of the good doctor.
Everybody is afraid of something, spiders, snakes, math homework. But amazing things happen when we face our fears.
I was driving on a country road down South when I noticed the license plate of the car in front of me saying "Dawg Doc." I started saying it over and over in a slow southern drawl, and here's what came out.
Advertisers have always used the tools of poetry to sell things. In Poems for Sale I poke fun at our buy and sell world.
Merlin! Gandalf! Harry Potter! Discover the wizard in you with my mystical and magical poem.
I was an adult when I first read Shel Silverstein's poetry, but I fell for it like a child. Here's my tribute to the most popular children's poet in the country.
In the name of Neil Armstrong, Star Trek, Star Wars and all you star gazing poets, I present my intergalactic friend, Blast Off Billy!